Audio & Video Summarizer
Get instant summaries of your videos, audio, Zoom recordings or YouTube videos. Jump to the main ideas with exact timestamps for your recordings.

Get AI summary of your video or audio
1. Import your recordings
Upload videos from your computer, capture live Zoom, Meet, and Teams meetings, or bulk import recordings from your favorite cloud services.
2. Receive your transcript
You will start seeing the transcripts roll in. Video footage and the transcript are paired together, making it possible for you to jump to the moment in the video.
3. Summarize
Get the summary of your transcript with the exact point in time where the idea was discussed within the recording.

Save time and effort
Get summaries of your content with just a click. Extract valuable insights and knowledge from your source material without going through the entire research repository.
Focus on what’s important.
Save time and effort

Get summaries of your content with just a click. Extract valuable insights and knowledge from your source material without going through the entire research repository.
Focus on what’s important.

Discover hidden insights in seconds
Unlock the essence of video and audio content instantly.
Navigate seamlessly to the key ideas discussed in the source transcript using the clickable timestamps.
Never miss important details.
Discover hidden insights in seconds

Unlock the essence of video and audio content instantly.
Navigate seamlessly to the key ideas discussed in the source transcript using the clickable timestamps.
Never miss important details.
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The summarizer divides your recording's transcript into thematic blocks and gives you a bullet point summary of each thematic block. The advantage of this approach is that each point in the summary includes a clickable timestamp that you can click to jump directly to the relevant part of the video or audio, saving significant time in locating and reviewing specific information within long recordings.
Reduct can summarize uploaded videos, audio files, live Zoom, Meet, and Teams meetings, and even YouTube videos. We support bulk uploads and importing from cloud storage like Google Drive and Dropbox. We don't support PDFs, spreadsheets, and text files.
Our AI-generated summaries are highly accurate, and typically capture most of the key points in your content. This high accuracy means your team can rely on these summaries to quickly grasp the essence of long recordings, saving hours of manual review time and reducing the cost associated with traditional summarization methods.
Summaries are generated almost instantly. For example, a 1-hour video typically takes about 3-5 minutes to transcribe and another few minutes to summarize. This rapid turnaround enables your team to act on insights quickly.
We prioritize the security of your data. All content, including summaries, is protected with bank-grade encryption (AES-256). We comply with industry standards like SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, and HIPAA. This robust security ensures that your sensitive information remains confidential, reducing the risk and potential costs associated with data breaches.
Yes, you can easily edit the AI-generated summaries, and copy-paste them into reports.
We provide comprehensive support including documentation, video tutorials, and responsive customer service. For enterprise clients, we offer dedicated account management, granular access management, and SSO login, along with custom legal paperwork.
We use OpenAI's GPT models for summarization. However, we have an agreement with OpenAI where they promise not to use any of our customer data for training their models.
A powerful editor built for collaboration
Search, highlight and edit transcripts within Reduct. Create clips just by highlighting text. Collaborate easily with your team.