Make your videos searchable

Effortlessly find those needles in your haystack. With accurate transcription and powerful AI, you can find exactly what you are looking for in hours of footage, in seconds.


Upload and transcribe

Upload your video files, import directly from Google Drive or Dropbox, or capture Zoom or Meet calls, live. Once your media is in Reduct, it is automatically transcribed, and the transcript and the media are precisely paired.


Create a searchable repository

By importing all of your team’s video, you can build a centralized video repository. Leverage it by searching within one recording, or across your entire project.


Uncover hidden gems

When you know what you’re looking for, Reduct’s search takes you right there. You can also use fuzzy search to find related terms and concepts, even when you don't remember the exact words."

Frequently asked questions


Dig deep into your repository, within minutes

Say goodbye to sifting through hours of footage and hello to finding what you need in seconds.