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Human Transcription
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Our team of transcribers has shipped over 16,000 hours of quality transcripts.
We can transcribe audio with noise, accent, and multiple speakers, and deliver accurate & readable transcripts.
Get human transcripts for your audio/video within 6 hours on average / 24 hours maximum.
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We recommend using human transcription when your audio or video file has distracting background noise, multiple speakers, speakers with accents, and speakers who use a lot of jargon.
Human transcription is really handy for: 1. Researchers (UX researchers, market researchers, or anyone conducting interviews and focus group discussions) 2. Documentary filmmakers, video editors, and professionals who work at production agencies 3. Professionals in law firms who need to transcribe police interviews, body camera footage, hearings, trials, etc. into legal documents
Human transcripts can be up to 99% accurate. Computer transcripts can get the names of organizations & people wrong, and incorrectly transcribe accented, or technical content. Humans have the advantage of understanding context and can leverage research to deliver accurate transcripts.
Reduct can provide a faster turnaround time because we have a large team of professional transcribers. We can transcribe 1 hour of audio in 3-4 hours.
Yes, Reduct offers fast and HIPAA compliant transcription services for organizations working with healthcare data.
A powerful editor built for collaboration
Search, highlight and edit transcripts within Reduct. Create clips just by highlighting text. Collaborate easily with your team.