NAPD Changemakers 2024 - Ask, and ye shall receive

May 2024


2 min read

NAPD Changemakers 2024 - Ask, and ye shall receive

In May 2024, The National Association for Public Defense (NAPD) recently hosted its Changemakers Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah, offering a fresh take on professional development for public defenders. Unlike traditional conferences, Changemakers 2024 prioritized a dynamic format where participants engaged in "Spark Presentations" and "Open Space Sessions." These unique elements allowed attendees to share insights, brainstorm solutions, and develop concrete action plans for issues like high workloads, attorney retention, and technology integration in public defense.

Reduct.Video had the opportunity to engage with leaders and innovators in public defense at NAPD’s Changemaker event. The spark focused on the challenges faced by public defenders, who often rely on outdated technology while dealing with an ever-growing deluge of bodycam footage. The discussion highlighted how cutting-edge AI technology can save them time and help achieve better case outcomes—all they have to do is ask.

Our co-founder, Prabhas Pokharel, emphasized our eagerness to understand and address the challenges faced by public defenders. Problems that are incredibly difficult for them can be easily solved by us at Reduct, which was nicely showcased with an example.

  • The big accusation: Public defenders aren't demanding enough from software providers. By not holding tech companies accountable, defenders miss out on potential game-changing solutions.

  • Software companies' eagerness to seek feedback and enhance their products for public defenders: "I can say this 100% about us at Reduct, and hopefully also about some of the other software providers that are with us here, that we’re hungry to hear about your problems. We’re hungry to solve for them. Tell us! Tell us your problems! Ask us if we can do better."

  • Advocating for better tools: Public defenders shouldn't accept outdated technology; they should request upgrades. Also, requesting help from software providers can result in innovative, customized solutions. Partnerships between defenders and tech firms can significantly boost efficiency and case outcomes.

  • An interesting story of a Reduct ower user: A chance conversation with a 18-month old power user uncovered an time-consuming workflow involving manual Excel manipulations. This discovery led to rapid automation, saving hours of work and inspiring new tools for managing multiple video evidence sources—all because Prabhas stumbled upon the manual workflow, not because the user asked.

Try Reduct for free, on a case (regardless of duration) with no commitments.

Reduct offers solutions for public defense teams of all sizes, from small municipal offices to large state-wide systems. The company provides both seat-based subscription pricing for individual defenders and utilization-based agreements with enterprise terms for larger organizations.

All public defenders or private defense lawyers are invited to try Reduct for free on a case (regardless of duration) with no commitments.

Interested parties can reach out to for more information.