Public Defenders Are Quitting in Droves: Can Technology Help Turn The Tide?

January 2025


4 min read

Public Defenders Are Quitting in Droves: Can Technology Help Turn The Tide?

The public defense system in the United States is facing a crisis. Public defenders who play a crucial role in ensuring that indigent defendants receive fair representation are burning out and quitting their jobs en masse.

"The OSPD continues to be an agency that struggles to meet its constitutional and statutory obligations because of heavy caseloads and attorney turnover, especially when said turnover results in the attorneys who remain with the OSPD have to carry and work the overload and they become burned out and eventually quit."
— A statement from the Wyoming Office of the State Public Defender’s 2024 annual report.

For public defenders, the mission to defend the poor and vulnerable is a calling—but one that has become nearly impossible to fulfill. Crushed under overwhelming workloads and stretched beyond capacity, they can no longer dedicate the time each client deserves. Case files pile up, and the justice their clients desperately need is often out of reach, leaving public defenders grappling with the painful reality of a system that denies them the ability to do their job.

This crisis in public defense spans the nation, as evident in these alarming statistics:

  • Wisconsin: The Office of the State Public Defender reported a turnover rate of 20.4% in 2022, an increase from 17.9% the previous year. Total applications for attorney positions have plummeted from 355 in 2018 to just 168 in 2022, indicating a troubling trend in recruitment. [Source: Low pay for public attorneys a growing concern as backlogs rise by Wisconsin Policy Forum]
  • Minnesota: A report by the Minnesota Board of Public Defense reveals that between 2017 and 2021, nearly 40% of defenders resigned. In the first six months of 2022, applications for Assistant Public Defender positions dropped anywhere from 50% to 75% compared to pre-COVID averages. [Source: Minnesota Board of Public Defense 2024 biennial budget report
  • Maryland: The analysis from the Office of the Public Defender indicates that OPD is understaffed by approximately 925 attorneys to meet its current workload. The majority of this gap is found in circuit court felony matters, where OPD estimates it needs about 677 additional attorneys. [Source: Maryland Office of the Public Defender 2025FY operating budget analysis report]

The writing is on the wall: the public defense system is buckling under immense pressure, as report after report highlight its critical failures. One striking example is the ACLU of Idaho's recent emergency motion, which sought the release of defendants left without legal representation due to a severe shortage of public defenders.

It’s not just about the workload

The challenges public defenders face extend far beyond heavy caseloads. A 2023 survey by the Washington State Office of Public Defense revealed that attorneys are leaving the profession due to a combination of factors, including low pay, difficult prosecutors, insufficient staff support, and vicarious trauma.

Even more concerning is the deteriorating work-life balance. A post by a public defender on Reddit shed light on the unsustainable pressures of the job:

A post on r/publicdefenders subreddit by a PD expressing burnout from work

Adding to this are the daily emotional demands—managing the grief, frustration, and anger of clients and their families—that weigh heavily on public defenders. Together, these challenges create a perfect storm of stress and emotional strain, making it increasingly difficult for them to carry on.

A glimmer of hope in emerging tech for legal systems

As the situation worsens, it begs the question: what can be done to support these essential legal advocates? While systemic changes are necessary, technology may offer a practical lifeline for public defenders right now. By automating time-consuming tasks and workflows, these tools can help alleviate some of the burdens on PDs.

Here are some technologies already making a difference in public defender offices:

  • Audiovisual evidence management software:

Public defenders often struggle to review vast amounts of audiovisual evidence from body-worn cameras, dashcams, and other sources. Tasks like waiting for transcriptions, navigating obscure file formats, or manually searching videos for critical details can drain precious time.

The Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, with over 1,000 staff members, has addressed this challenge by using Reduct. With features like accurate AI-generated transcripts, support for various file formats, and cloud storage integration, the platform has become an essential tool for the office in efficiently managing audiovisual evidence.

  • Case management software:

Beyond managing evidence, public defenders also struggle with disorganized case files and inefficient workflows, adding to their daily challenges. Case management software addresses this by centralizing client data, court dates, and team notes in one easily accessible system.

The Kane County Public Defender’s Office, for instance, transitioned from siloed databases and spreadsheets to a unified digital system, reducing case initiation time from 15 minutes to just three. This shift saved several hours each week that were previously spent managing physical documents.

  • Data entry and client management system:

This technology is another key asset for PD offices. It minimizes the need for manual data entry and helps attorneys stay on top of case progress and deadlines. With automated alerts for important updates, public defenders can focus more on their legal work and less on administrative tasks.

For example, the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office implemented an AI-powered system in 2019, reducing manual data entry by 85%. The system also provided timely alerts on critical updates, such as preventing a client's arrest by flagging an overlooked bench warrant.

For a deeper dive into how public defenders are using technology to improve efficiency, check out our blog on success stories of public defense offices benefiting from the use of technology.

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The challenges facing public defenders are daunting, but integrating technology into their workflows offers a promising avenue for improvement. While it cannot solve issues such as pay disparities or excessive caseloads, technology can create a more manageable work environment for the public defenders.

As we advocate for systemic reforms within public defense systems, embracing technological solutions may be an essential step toward creating a sustainable future for public defenders—and ensuring that justice remains accessible for all.

See how Reduct helps public defenders manage their evidence