Reduct.Video Delivers CLE Seminar to the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Members
Discover how Reduct improves the digital evidence review process, as showcased at a Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers CLE seminar.
4 easy ways to handle body cam footage faster using Reduct
Discover 4 simple techniques to speed up the body-worn footage process with Reduct for more efficient investigations and reviews.
Why Redact PII from Legal Transcripts?
Redact PIIs from legal transcripts and protect your confidential data.
4 Reasons Why You Should Record Videos During Deposition
Turn your raw legal video recordings into persuasive presentations for trials with Reduct's all-in-one video transcription and editing platform.
A Quick Guide to Outsourcing Transcription for Legal Needs
Learn the benefits and best practices for outsourcing legal transcription to save time, reduce costs, and ensure high accuracy.
Automated Transcription for Depositions- Top 3 Benefits
Automated transcription for deposition is now affordable & accurate. Learn how AI transcription can save you time and money in legal proceedings.
Legal Transcription vs. Dictation: Which is Right for You?
Learn the differences between legal transcription and dictation, and find out which option is best for your legal needs.